For Educators & Teachers

The Poe Center wants to be your partner in health education.

Plan a field trip with us or use our online resources to integrate health education into your lessons. Programs align with the NC Department of Public Instruction’s Healthful Living and Science Essential Standards. Click below to start your Poe Experience.


Educational Topics

Explore the many health-science topics available at the Poe Center.Learn More »

Plan A Program

From dates to costs to location, follow these simple steps to plan your program.Learn More »

Resource Directory

Search Poe’s list of recommended resources for educators.Learn More »

Program Directory

Generate a list of programs that meet your specific needs.Learn More »

Features & Exhibits

Use one of Poe’s interactive online exhibits to supplement classroom instruction.Learn More »


Keep up with upcoming events, recent blogs, and the latest news from the Poe Center.Learn More »