Social Media & Campaigns
Thanks to our followers and strong social media presence, the Poe Center reaches millions each year with dynamic informative content from our expert health educators, such as blogs, videos, and highlights from the Center.
The Poe Center also promotes healthy choices with a wide variety of social marketing campaigns which appear in TV, billboard, and social media ads across the state.

#Poe30: Celebrating 30Visionary Years
The Poe Center is celebrating 30 visionary years of health education with a series of special events, fundraisers, and social media tools.

Each week, Poe’s nutrition and physical activity health educators post a series of informative tweets focused on nutrition, physical activity, and gardening. Poe’s annual summer social marketing campaign promotes the #PoeFit series with TV, billboard, and social media ads.

Poe’s Substance Use Prevention contributors share facts about substance use trends and research along with suggested strategies to build protective factors, with weekly posts on Twitter.

Talk It Up. Lock It Up!TM
Talk It Up, Lock It Up! encourages parents and adults to secure and monitor alcohol in their homes. Led by youth, communities across North Carolina have collected thousands of pledges signed by parents and adults who agree to lock up the alcohol in their homes.

Medication Safety
Make your home safer by removing and disposing of unused and expired medication. Help prevent unintentional access and misuse by safely disposing of medications through drop-off locations, lockboxes, and more.
Previous Campaigns

Drink More Water
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#Poe25: 25th Anniversary Campaign
In honor of Poe’s 25th anniversary, staff, volunteers, and program participants posed with messages about why they celebrate the Poe Center.

#Add25 Nutrition & Physical Activity Challenge
To celebrate Poe’s 25th anniversary, several schools participated in a nutrition and physical activity challenge hosted by Miss North Carolina 2015 Kate Peacock.