News & Media

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Don’t miss out on all the great events the Poe Center hosts throughout the year. From workshops to festivals to fundraisers, there’s always something fun and informative happening at Poe.

Read the latest insights from Poe’s expert health educators. Each month, staff take a deep dive into current issues and trends in health-related topics.

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Poe in the Media

Find the most recent articles, segments, and information from across North Carolina covering the Poe Center and our initiatives.

Press Releases

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Media Inquiries Contact:

Jennifer Bell, M.Ed.

Communications Senior Director
[email protected]


Follow #PoeFit for tips, insights, and information on nutrition, physical activity, and gardening.
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Garden to Kitchen

Follow Poe’s garden and nutrition team each month for how-to instructions for growing edible plants and how to use them in the kitchen.
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