For the Classroom: MyPlate Echo Chant
Dana M. Orr, BS, MBA – Senior Health Educator
During National Nutrition Month or any time of the year, teachers can use meal and snack times to help their students identify in which food groups foods belong. This activity teaches students the main messages of each food group, while having fun echo chanting. In the classroom, cafeteria and on the playground, educators can help students make healthy choices by using MyPlate!
MyPlate Echo Chant
Eating foods like on MYPLATE (point to MyPlate)
Help us look and feel just great! (point to mouth and smile)
Orange is grains, eat half of them whole (point to Grains group)
Energy from pasta in our bowl (pretend to eat)
Purple is protein, eat it lean! (point to Protein group)
Build your muscles with meats and beans! (make a muscle)
Blue is dairy, calcium please! (point to Dairy group)
Strong bones and teeth with milk and cheese! (point to teeth)
Red is fruits, let’s focus on these (point to fruits group)
Vitamins from those we pick from trees (Reach and pretend to pick fruit from tree)
Green is veggies, let’s eat many (point to vegetables group)
Fiber’s our friend, we’ll get plenty! (Rub tummy)
Eating foods like on MYPLATE (point to MyPlate)
Help us look and feel just great! (Point to mouth and smile)
Copyright Dana Orr October 2015
Book a Program with Poe:
The Poe Center offers a number of nutrition and physical activity programs which include engaging activities, tips, tricks, and fun facts about nutrition and fitness for children, parents, and educators. To book a program, call 866-402-4799 or schedule on line.